It is your life

I feel like everyone at some point in their life, has felt down, hurt or maybe even destroyed.

This leaves them to believe the person they were before; the caring, happy and loving person they were can never “be” again. But what they don’t realize is that it’s not what brought them down that stops then from building up again, but it’s them! Their reactions, their attitude, their way of dealing with stress or pain. 

This little tree is growing in a grassy field. Yet the particular spot this tree is growing amongst cement, rock and dirt that never was cleaned up from Katrina years ago. In this little spot, where the grass can’t peak through, this tree refused to be stopped. 

That’s how we as humans should be. It isn’t your surroundings or people that control of who you are or who you ca be, but it’s YOU. Take your life into your own control.

My Escape

Writing, for many individuals across the globe, is an escape. We like to write, express and share. But for me, sharing has always been non-existent. Nothing more than hidden words in closed journals stacked away in collections of dust and darkness. That needs to change. I want to share my words and thoughts with tens, or hundreds or even thousands of strangers sitting behind their screen craving for information about people or things they don’t yet know about.

I want to

wake up in the morning

have a dream

be inspired


Isnt that how some of the best pieces of work known to mankind began? As a sketch, a dream, a doodle, or a couple of words written on a napkin?

Why not start with 150 words on a blog and let it build from there. I can’t let the fear of the unknown hold back what I most yearn to do.


To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong.